We support the underprivileged families to increase their capacity for coming out of poverty.

The professional cadre from FBL Pakistan is devoted to tackling poverty through educational initiatives, fostering skill enhancement, and empowering small-scale enterprises.

FBL believe in the capacity building and development needy families for alleviation of poverty. The capacity building includes skills development, education, and micro credit assistance for business development to the under privileged members of the society. FBL find and fund for Vocational Training, Education, Micro Business. FBL also focuses on providing better education for children who cannot afford majority of the schools in the eastern side of the world as they are fee-based. With proper education, we provide a positive growth for the future generations and avoid the continuation of this cycle of poverty. Provides progressive economic development whose earnings are below the poverty line

Vocational Training

Through our vocational training programs, FBL Pakistan has significantly impacted individuals’ lives and communities. By providing practical skills training in various trades and professions, we’ve empowered countless individuals to secure gainful employment or start their own businesses. Our programs are tailored to address the specific needs and demands of local industries, ensuring that graduates are well-prepared to contribute meaningfully to the workforce. As a result, we’ve observed a tangible increase in economic opportunities for our beneficiaries, leading to greater financial stability and enhanced social mobility.


FBL Pakistan’s commitment to education has had a profound impact on access, quality, and equity in learning. We’ve worked tirelessly to break down barriers to education, particularly for marginalized groups and underserved communities. Through targeted interventions such as scholarships, school infrastructure improvements, and teacher training initiatives, we’ve expanded access to quality education across our operational areas. The impact of these efforts extends beyond the classroom, fostering a culture of lifelong learning and empowering individuals to pursue their aspirations. Moreover, by promoting gender equality and inclusion, we’re catalyzing social transformation and building more equitable societies for future generations.

Micro Business

Our micro-business support initiatives have been instrumental in promoting entrepreneurship and fostering economic resilience at the grassroots level. Recognizing the potential of small-scale enterprises to drive local development, we’ve provided aspiring entrepreneurs with the training, mentorship, and financial assistance needed to start and grow their businesses. As a result, we’ve witnessed the emergence of vibrant micro-business ecosystems, characterized by innovation, creativity, and sustainability. These enterprises not only generate income and employment opportunities but also contribute to the overall economic growth and vitality of the communities we serve. By nurturing a culture of entrepreneurship and self-reliance, we’re laying the foundation for inclusive and sustainable development in the regions where we operate.


We have provided assistance to 1695 needy families for professional education, skill development and micro-credit. FBL will continue to assist families in improving their quality of life in a sustainable manner through December 2023.

Micro Business Loans

Education Scholarships

Vocational Training

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